09 March 2011


Welcome! I've been meaning to start a blog for awhile, but have never gotten around to actually sitting down and putting my thoughts into words. So here we go, the inaugural post.

My name is Carrie, and I am a runner. I never thought I would hear myself say those words. Running is a part of me: it is what I do, it is who I am. Growing up, I never especially cared for running, but found myself falling hard for the sport in the Fall of 2008 (stay tuned for details in a future post - more to come on that story sometime!) It wasn't an easy start, but I am proud to say I kept at it, pounding the pavement and adding miles each day. And before I knew it, I was hooked! Three full marathons, three half marathons, and countless miles later, running has become a part of my life each and every day. A lot of the things I do - what I eat, the hours I keep, how I plan my days - all take my running into consideration. I will be the first to admit that I am not a good runner or a fast runner, but I enjoy running, which I think counts for even more!

I love running for SO many reasons. Running gives me a sense of accomplishment - a feeling of independence. Running is amazing for my health and my body - I can eat a few extra calories with a little less guilt. Running connects me to an amazing group - the running community is made up of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Running gives me something to do with my time - keeping me constructive, rather than destructive. Running gives me something to brag about - "Oh yeah, I've run, like 3 marathons ... no big deal." Running is real, running is fun - running is really fun!

So come along with me as I begin my blogging journey. My main purpose on this forum is to discuss my experiences and share my thoughts about running, but there are other aspects to our lives as well - so I will be commenting in with posts from time to time that might seem irrelevant to running, but that are important to me as a person. Please be patient with me as I get started, it's my first time doing this whole blogging thing. And feel free to comment with questions or suggestions, I would certainly appreciate any help I can get ... but in the end I'm going to write what I want. Because I can.

Life is a journey. Enjoy the run.

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