26 September 2011


wow. wow. wow. It seems I have been out of touch for (more than just) a little while. But I'm back with lots of posts coming to catch everyone up to speed!

There have been a lot of things I have accomplished and a lot of things that I have learned in the past few weeks. I have even further confirmed that I am an interval runner. I proved to myself that running with music truly improves my performance. I have slacked off (as usual) with my training and have seen the (lack of) results. I have accepted the fact that I am a fad-chaser: that is I can dive whole-hearted into something only to lose interest very quickly (reads: failed at C90X and spending time at the country club.) But I also have proved to myself that I really do love running (it's funny how I forget so often!) So here's to keeping up-to-date and getting back in shape on the road to success!

A few weeks ago I turned 24. There wasn't too much celebrating on my part. Twenty three was not such a great year for me. It started off on a bad foot and went downhill from there. I lost a lot of things - including myself for a little while - and struggled day-to-day. Those 365 days were marked with very little forward progress. Some yes - but overall very little. It was like I fell so far behind in living my life that the extra efforts I have expended working super hard have only just gotten me back to the place I started from. Oh well - that's life. Even if you take 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards you are still making progress.

Thank you my ever-loving and oh so supportive family and friends. You all helped to get me through a very dark time. I am sorry if I wasn't there when you needed me - I needed to take some time off to find myself again.
But now I am back - and shooting towards becoming better than ever!

The past is in the past and I am putting it behind me.
I am bound to have 24 be the year I make things happen.

The question isn't who's going to let me. It's who's going to stop me.

Cheers to my best year ever (thus far!)

[135 : 0 : 0 : 32.4 : 57.15]

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