20 November 2011

Apple Victory

In case anyone was holding their breath awaiting my next post (sorry I'm so slow!) ... I am alive and well and have an additional three marathons under my belt! Yay I survived (barely.) Life has been super crazy busy but I wanted to quickly put out an update. I promise to post again soon about each of my respective races from this Fall to recount all of the fun. This is of course baring the fact that this is the holiday season when we are all at our busiest. Add in there my insane workload (plus my new promotion at the office! EXCITED!) and my life is not going to get any less crazy until ... February (maybe.) Yikes.


Anyone who has read my posts understands my long-withstanding battle / hatred against my iPod. To be frank the things sucks. It didn't work for Malibu 2010, Cincinnati 2011, and this season it died 3 songs into Savannah 2011 and wouldn't even turn on before Malibu 2011. It is the bane of my running existence. But today marks a MAJOR VICTORY against the hated unreliable gadget. My iPod has been RECALLED !!! This means that Apple will send me a new one for FREE !!!

I am unsure as to which generation of Nano I will be issued as a replacement and I am positive that all of my songs and playlists will be erased, so this endeavor will take some work on my part. So I might have to struggle with the ancient iPod Mini for a few weeks while my Nano is replaced (or resort to workouts in silence ... shudder) but it is definitely going to be worth it in the long run (and for my long runs!) And to really "stick it to the man" (as my mother would say) the icing on the top of this cake is the fact that I never paid for my Nano. My brother passed it on to me when he upgraded to the iPod Touch a few years ago. (He has since moved on the the iPhone.) In addition my father has an old Nano he was planning to give to me (as he too has upgraded to the Touch) but his Nano is eligible under the recall! This means we get TWO free new iPods. Although I can hardly consider them "free" because I have certainly paid with all of the pain and hassle of dealing with my current hunk of junk.

goodbye ... and good riddance. you will NOT be missed

And the irony of it all? The reason the iPod Nano is being recalled is because the battery can overheat and catch on fire. Really, Apple? Really?

Carrie - 1 : Apple - 0

So I am cramming a full work week into two days (plus logging a few weekend hours on the laptop today) and then will be rushing down to my parents' home on Tuesday evening. I will attempt to draft some ridiculously genius and witty posts over the next week ... but when I am not helping to prepare to host nearly 40 family members I will probably be in a turkey coma. I love Thanksgiving.

Please enjoy the below photo my brother sent to me yesterday. That's my little dog. And yes that is in fact the left rack from a three-point buck.
(Don't let the cuteness fool you. She is pure evil in dachshund form.)

my little hunter : Madeline

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