30 December 2011

Farewell 2011

So obviously I took some time off from blogging. Believe me when I say that I really wanted to write more often: I have more than enough to share each and everyday. But sometimes life gets in the way. And I would rather be out there living it than missing out. So here's my final post for 2011.

It's been a banner year. 3 5K races, 4 half marathons, 4 fulls marathons, 2 GORUCK Challenges, plus a ton of miles and hours of training logged in between. I have been very blessed to have recovered strongly from some rough personal times in 2010. I grew closer with those who are most important to me: my family and true friends. I grew as an individual and continued to flourish in my professional work. Thanks to everyone for their amazing love and support. It's a good life.

As we approach 2012, I am so excited for the many challenges and opportunities that await me. Although we never know quite what to expect, you can be sure that I am always up for the race.

In this new year I am making a few resolutions. (Please ignore my true dorkdom. Sadly this is my real life people.) First, I would like to floss more often. Second, I vow to battle dirty dishes and get them into the dishwasher ASAP rather than letting them pile up in the sink. GROSS. Third, I am going to make it a priority to attend Mass each week. The Lord has truly blessed me and given me so much in my life, I can certainly give Him an hour of my time each week to thank Him for all that He has done. Finally, I am going to continue training and racing and further improve my blogging abilities. I know life keeps me busy, but I want to keep everyone updated on my life. (Plus I got this sweet new iPad for XMAS ... and being technically challenged I am still trying to figure it out ... like where is the spell check and how can I add links and videos?)

Even as I write this post I already have exciting times to look forward to: in a few hours I board a flight en route to Washington DC to meet with my Team 3. Tomorrow, we will explore our nation's capital together and live it up at the GORUCK Scavenger: Hunt DC. Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe my level of excitement right now. I can think of no better way to ring in the new year than surrounded by fellow GRC-er's partaking in some good livin'.

So as we turn the page on 2011, let's cheers to an amazing year. One filled with smiles and miles. And if 2012 really does mark the end of the world, let's party like there's no tomorrow!

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