31 December 2012

Racing the Clock

Guess who's back?

It's been 365 days since I last blogged. And what a year it has been! I am in a race against the clock to get one first (and final) post in for 2012. This year I completed one full marathon, one half marathon, two 5K races, one Tough Mudder, one GORUCK Challenge, and two GORUCK Scavengers. But overall, I feel that during 2012 running definitely took a backseat to living my life.

It was a year of changes and challenges. I lost focus for a bit and training slipped. I got sick. A lot. (In fact I was even sick this past weekend ... food poisoning.) There were certainly some very exciting times throughout the year. I took on new challenges at work, I moved (bigger place, lower rent, shorter commute = WIN!) and just generally survived. Don't get me wrong, it certainly wasn't a bad year, but nothing too stellar. Especially in terms of successful running accomplishments.

Enter 2013. I've been making plans. BIG plans. Some of them are actually kinda scary and intimidating plans. But I'm making them nonetheless. I am preparing an aggressive racing schedule. And an even more hard-core training regimen. I am bound and determined to make this my best year ever. I'm anticipating some more BIG and exciting changes in my life over the next few months (not ready to share everything just yet ... but hang around when I can hopefully make some announcements soon!) I have a renewed focus in my commitment to running. I hope to fill the next year's worth of posts chronicling my progress, exploring the exciting times to come, as well as reflecting on some excellent past experiences.

Stick with me. I'm in this for the long run.

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