26 May 2011

It's Not Goodbye ...

I want to send my best wishes out to Sanj as she begins an AMAZING new journey! She is one of my best friends and closest running buddies - and will be greatly missed in this city. She is taking her talents to the Lone Star state to pursue further academic achievements (gosh this girl is smart!)

Race for the Cure - "Think Pink!"
I met Sanj during Freshman year of college as we both lived in the same corridor of our dormitory. We both fell in with a fast group of friends and thus the fiotches were born. (There is debate as to the origin of the term fiotch ... all theories are inappropriate for posting. Our friends fondly refer to one another with this term of endearment.) Sophomore year found us in the same corridor but this time it was planned rather than by chance. By Junior year we were living in an apartment with our two other best girlfriends (Sam and Bethie) and the eternal bond of 302 was born. (Sanj and I shared a bathroom. And there is no one I miss more from my college days than our cleaning ladies. I despise cleaning my bathroom and now understand how lucky we were to have such super maids!)

During our Senior year Sanj helped me to train for my first ever 5K race. Believe me when I say that 3.1 miles was a BIG deal for me. As a former cross country runner, she helped this novice to keep pace throughout the race and helped me to forever fall in love with running. I could never have made it across that Finish Line without her support! We signed up for another 5K that Fall. (I ended up running ... Sanj was still recovering from the night before and was smart enough to skip the race. I have never ever wanted to run while hungover again. Not fun.) As Senior year progressed running took a backseat and instead we decided to really live up our final months together. As the fiotches donned our caps and gowns that Spring and hugged each other, we knew that it wasn't "Goodbye" but simply "See you later."

That summer both Sanj and I trained for our first half marathon. We were training independently as we lived in different cities. In fact, we had both registered for the same race and I didn't even know she was running until I crossed the finish line and she came bounding up to greet me! They say that great minds think alike - and I know it is true!

Enter "real life." Stuff like jobs and grad school - bills and the general boring-ness of adult life. Add in being separated from the friends you love the most and it got really hard, really fast. But I was super lucky in the fact that Sanj and I ended up in the same city post-graduation. While we both had VERY busy schedules, we were able to get together and hang out every once in awhile. And then the scheming started.

I don't remember exactly who it was that came up with the idea first. (I will probably give the credit to Sam.) But it was proposed that some of our friends get together in May to run the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. We all jumped at the opportunity and began training. Sanj, Sam and I crossed that Finish Line Swine in victory a few months later. And we've kept running ever since.

3/4 of 302 at the Flying Pig Finish Swine
The following September Sanj and I hit the road and traveled to Philadelphia, PA to race in the ING Rock n' Roll Half Marathon. With over 15,000 runners it was an outstanding sold out race. Sanj was forced to do a "bandit" run as she was not able to secure an official race spot ... oops! We had a GREAT weekend (including but not limited to schenanigans such as staying in a swanky hotel, drinking beer at the race expo, touring the city and taking mass pictures Top Model style, obsessing with the Ralph Lauren store, dancing with hobos, attending a massive party the night before the race, oh yeah, and actually running 13.1 miles.)

fiotches as Rocky Balboa @ Philadelphia's Half Marathon
Posing pre-race with the "Bandit"
It has been great having one of my closest friends living in the same city.
And it helps that we both LOVE running so much!

city run after the Bart Yasso lecture
We've kept running and ran ourselves all the way down to our nation's capital city this past Spring for DC's National Half Marathon. (Sam joined into the race too and other friends Bethie and Jason graciously cheered us on!)

friends in Friendsville, MD en route to DC for the National Half

Girl, while I will certainly miss having a partner-in-crime living in the same city as me, I know that you are going to love Texas. Just let me know when Houston is ready to handle both of us and I will be down to visit in a heartbeat.

PS I wonder if the saying is really true : "Everything is bigger in Texas ... "

23 May 2011

Taking the Challenge

I am back in the States and ready for action! This past week I was very blessed to have had the fortunate opportunity to spend time with my amazing family (parents + brother + grandmother) traipsing through the Caribbean. We had a lovely time - relaxing and fun!

But now back to the grind ... and I say "BRING IT!" While I didn't get in quite as many workouts as I would have liked while on vacation (I did make it to the gym ... once ... oops!) I was proud of myself for controlling my eating not making a total pig of myself. I stepped on the scale and have picked up a few pounds but I attribute it mostly to water and salt retention after spending so much time at sea followed by a grueling day of travel. Needless to say it's not holding me back.

I am aiming to keep up the hard work with my morning workouts this week. I even started off Monday extra strong by throwing in a two-a-day routine. (No, not the football type ... "Let's go kick some *ss.") But I made it through my morning set and knocked out a 4-miler with the MiR weighted vest tonight. And even better yet - I now have a GREAT reason to really amp up my training - I've registered for my next big event!

GORUCK Challenge - Cincinnati, OH - 02 July 2011 - 06:00 PM

In short the GORUCK Challenge is not a race. It is a team event. It is not for everyone. Each participant is given a GORUCK bag filled with 20 lbs of bricks plus any additional materials (such as food water or extra clothing) that you might need. The course is unknown. You are notified of the starting location the week of the event. You show up pack your bag and take off with the team. You do not know how long it will last (typically 8-10 hours.) You do not know the distance (usually 15-20 miles.) You do not know what will be asked of you or what you will encounter along the way (but you can probably count on getting wet and muddy, plus lots of push ups and carrying large logs and buddy-carries at some point.) The program was designed by Green Berets to test out the gear packs manufactured by GORUCK. In short you don't really know much of what you are getting into until you are already in the thick of it.
And I couldn't be more excited !!!

I discovered the GORUCK Challenge while researching another race called the Tough Mudder. This event also poses to be a grueling challenge but unfortunately there are no race locations planned nearby until 2012. But while reviewing the website I came across the page describing the opportunity for Tough Mudders to race with Team GORUCK once you have successfully completed a GORUCK Challenge. I've been dreaming of the event ever since.

The Challenge is partly the reason I purchased the MiR weighted vest a few months back. It is one of the reasons I have kept running. It is why I am now waking up before 5:30 AM everyday to bust my butt lifting weights at the gym. It is the reason I am pulling two-a-days. It has become my obsession. And I am now officially registered. No turning back.

Don't get me wrong. I am scared. Nervous as h*ll. Worried about a million different things - most terrified that I will not be physically prepared and thus unable to make it through the entire event the day of the Challenge. But I am also SO excited. It makes a giddy thinking about being a strong independent girl. It amazes me all that the human body is capable of achieving. It makes me wonder what my limits are and how I can figure out how to push through that threshold and exceed those moments of struggle and pain.

Obviously this event is currently weighing heavy on my mind and affecting most everything that I do - so plan on hearing more about it in the future.
Anyone else up to take the Challenge?

Random Sidenotes: (1) Check your pockets before doing laundry. This is how I discovered where I had misplaced my lost driver's license. (2) Congratulations to my cousin Kate and her husband Blake on the birth of their first child - a beautiful baby girl! Welcome to Audrey Clare! I can't wait to meet the precious little one! (3) Overdue note but I wasn't selected for NYC. Maybe next year.
(4) Snoring is a deal breaker.

14 May 2011

Date a Girl Who Runs

Thursday was a great evening with the ladies of my Book Club. We went out for wine and appetizers and to chat about this month's reading selection. Actually we did more gossiping about work and talking about boys than actually discussing the book ... but I'm not complaining! Immediately my thoughts turned to the following blog post linked by Sanj a few weeks back.
LOVE - couldn't have said it any better.

Date a Girl who Runs by The Bull Runner

Date a girl who runs. Date a girl who chooses to move than to let the world pass her by. She will cover the roads with you while talking about the mundane to the profound without gasping for air. She will notice and appreciate the little things: the extra cushioning of her shoes, the softness of the pavement vs concrete, or how much cooler it is to run 30 minutes earlier in summer.

Take her to a race and be there with her 30 minutes before gun start. You will watch her fret over her gels, and her hydration, and the portalets. You will laugh because she gives so much importance to running as if it was her entire life. But, you will learn later on that it only shows how passionate she can be about what is important for her.

Hold her jittery hands before you enter the assembly area. She will hope to break her PR at the half marathon, but do not wish her luck; she won’t need it after all the speed work and tempo runs. Instead, show her a reassuring smile that she’ll be fine and that you’ll be proud of her whether she finishes first or 50th. Let her know that you’ll be waiting at the finish line—or at least you’ll show up there in case she finishes several minutes before you do.

If you find a girl who runs, never let her go; register for a marathon and train together. Be her best friend on the road. When she talks, listen to the joys of her first 5k, the pains of her recurring Plantar Fasciitis, and the 1,001 reasons why she loves to run while pretending that you can keep up with her “easy” pace. In between stories, allow her to take a sip from your water bottle or remind her when it’s time to take a gel. Watch her glow when she talks about running; she is in her element. She is running by your side.

She is happiest on Sundays, the day when she can run long with you. She loves to sweat, and the sore legs, and, of course, the hefty breakfast along with the good conversations that follow each run. Always have a cold, wet towel in the cooler waiting for her. Surprise her with her favorite post-recovery drink, low fat chocolate milk, and if she runs an extra 5km, spike it with her favorite coffee from Starbucks. In her simple joys, you will find an abundance of happiness.

Propose after your first marathon abroad. Or drop the ring in her hydration bottle. Or run the trails together and end with a proposal at sunset.

When you marry a girl who runs, the only time you will see her slow down is when she walks down the aisle towards you. She’ll be a picture of beauty and strength in a gown with her running shoes upon her feet and all you will be able to think of is the thousands of kilometers you will run together. You will find the best running partner in her. You will talk about the household, career, and finances during your long runs. You will fight during your hill training and make up during easy runs.

She will never force your children to run, but they will learn to love it when they see her passion for running. She will make living a healthy, active life easy, natural, and best of all, fun. Expect a lot of laughter, sweat, and sports beans. Running will not be a sport, but it will be a way of life for you and your children.  You will never run alone.

Love a girl who runs and she will love you back the same way she loves running. You will ask her why she loves running and she’ll answer: Because I can. You will ask her why she loves you and she’ll reply: Because I do.

Hey boys ... this lady is currently single ...

Note: I am leaving the country today for a little family vacation (aka Caribbean cruise for the next nine days!) No posts coming for a bit - but stay tuned and I'll be back soon with lots of fun stories from my travel adventures.

11 May 2011

Rise and Shine

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. So I am giving it the old college try. I am doing something I have never before in my life had the ability to stick with - morning workouts!

I like to think of myself as a morning person. Getting up each day, getting dressed, eating breakfast, making the 30 minute commute and still arriving at my desk plenty early never really seems to be a problem for me. The ultimate issue truly arises when that alarm clock goes off and I find myself stuck weighing the two options in my head: get up and get my butt to the gym or stay tucked away all cozy in the world's most comfortable bed. The bed always wins - until now.

I kicked off this week strong and I hope to keep going. My goal is to make it through this week, stick with it through my trip next week, and then hopefully follow up once I return and truly make a routine out of this! So far Monday and Tuesday went surprisingly well. I was up, dressed and down to the gym - and before I could hardly blink an eye I was pounding out my run (moving at a very fast pace I might add!) I have decided to spend the beginning part of the summer refocusing my training and concentrate more on - GASP - weight training versus running. I don't have any major long distance races coming up until next fall, so now more than ever is the perfect time to shake things up.
And I have certainly been doing some (moving and) shaking ...

My goal is to build lean, tone muscle. So far I have stuck to the following routine: quick walking warm-up followed by running a mile at a fast pace. Then a quick walking cool-down followed by a transition to the weight room. Here I do a mixture of the following: weighted push ups, squats + swinging weight, leaping lunges, weighted back rows, side folds and lunges, weighed shoulder presses, decline push ups, mountains climbers, front planks + side planks, and burpees. Hopefully I will be able to build up my endurance over time to add in more reps of each exercise. I eventually even want to add in another mile (or two... or a few...) both at the beginning and end of the workout. But I don't want to try and start too fast right out of the gate only to burn myself out.

It's certainly tough and it gets your heart pumping and the sweat is definitely dripping, but it is a killer workout. I have already felt stronger and more toned after only a few days! I have been a bit sore - Wednesday was taken off as a recovery day and Tuesday evening was spent curled up in my comfy bed with Perform gel rubbed all over my legs. (The real issue stands in that my right quad is killing me, but so is my left calf. So I sort of have to hobble to get around ... and let's not even talk about trying to go down a staircase - ouch!) But the results have been great - I definitely find myself more awake and alert throughout the day, craving much healthier foods (I have stuck to a great meal plan this week: see below) and have been sleeping better at night. I have better focus and problem-solving skills and have been in a much better positive and upbeat mood.

My food intake has consisted of the following meals: breakfast = oatmeal, cheese stick, 1% milk, cranberry-pomegranate juice and green tea : lunch + snacks = casserole of ground turkey-carrots-tomatoes-peas, crackers, peanut butter, banana, granola bar and a sports drink : dinner = green bean casserole, more juice, popcorn and a treat : plus LOTS and LOTS of water throughout the day - It's been great!

So I am very happy to have fallen into this new habit. Hopefully it is a routine that I can keep and maintain. 3 days down ... a lifetime to go.

and ... Happy birthday to Ben - my LA bestie! Most amazing and fabulous friend a girl could ever hope for! So lucky to have you in my life ... even if we live thousands of miles away! worlds apart but close in heart

currently at the top of my playlist: Hey Jude by the Beatles - gets me going every time!

Note: Thanks again for the patience with my slow updates. The next few weeks don't promise to be any less crazy so please continue to stick with me. I am holding off on publishing my post about the Flying Pig until I can get the photos and video from my dad's camera. Hopefully coming soon ...

04 May 2011

Quick Quick

My sincerest apologies for being MIA these past few days. Updates:

1 - I survived my fourth marathon ... barely
2 - I have been severely slacking off these past few days regarding both exercise and consuming a healthy diet (my dinners for the past 3 evenings have consisted of heavily buttered popcorn, cranberry juice and chocolate.)
3 - Has anyone seen the sun? It's gone missing and I feel like I haven't seen it in weeks. If you find it please direct it back towards the MidWest. In return I can offer as much rain as you would like (take it all - I don't want it anymore!)
4 - I promise lots of fun blog posts once I am not spending 12+ hours at the office each day. I love my job but I am exhausted!

Thanks for being patient as I try to catch up with this crazy thing called my life!