04 May 2011

Quick Quick

My sincerest apologies for being MIA these past few days. Updates:

1 - I survived my fourth marathon ... barely
2 - I have been severely slacking off these past few days regarding both exercise and consuming a healthy diet (my dinners for the past 3 evenings have consisted of heavily buttered popcorn, cranberry juice and chocolate.)
3 - Has anyone seen the sun? It's gone missing and I feel like I haven't seen it in weeks. If you find it please direct it back towards the MidWest. In return I can offer as much rain as you would like (take it all - I don't want it anymore!)
4 - I promise lots of fun blog posts once I am not spending 12+ hours at the office each day. I love my job but I am exhausted!

Thanks for being patient as I try to catch up with this crazy thing called my life!

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