23 May 2011

Taking the Challenge

I am back in the States and ready for action! This past week I was very blessed to have had the fortunate opportunity to spend time with my amazing family (parents + brother + grandmother) traipsing through the Caribbean. We had a lovely time - relaxing and fun!

But now back to the grind ... and I say "BRING IT!" While I didn't get in quite as many workouts as I would have liked while on vacation (I did make it to the gym ... once ... oops!) I was proud of myself for controlling my eating not making a total pig of myself. I stepped on the scale and have picked up a few pounds but I attribute it mostly to water and salt retention after spending so much time at sea followed by a grueling day of travel. Needless to say it's not holding me back.

I am aiming to keep up the hard work with my morning workouts this week. I even started off Monday extra strong by throwing in a two-a-day routine. (No, not the football type ... "Let's go kick some *ss.") But I made it through my morning set and knocked out a 4-miler with the MiR weighted vest tonight. And even better yet - I now have a GREAT reason to really amp up my training - I've registered for my next big event!

GORUCK Challenge - Cincinnati, OH - 02 July 2011 - 06:00 PM

In short the GORUCK Challenge is not a race. It is a team event. It is not for everyone. Each participant is given a GORUCK bag filled with 20 lbs of bricks plus any additional materials (such as food water or extra clothing) that you might need. The course is unknown. You are notified of the starting location the week of the event. You show up pack your bag and take off with the team. You do not know how long it will last (typically 8-10 hours.) You do not know the distance (usually 15-20 miles.) You do not know what will be asked of you or what you will encounter along the way (but you can probably count on getting wet and muddy, plus lots of push ups and carrying large logs and buddy-carries at some point.) The program was designed by Green Berets to test out the gear packs manufactured by GORUCK. In short you don't really know much of what you are getting into until you are already in the thick of it.
And I couldn't be more excited !!!

I discovered the GORUCK Challenge while researching another race called the Tough Mudder. This event also poses to be a grueling challenge but unfortunately there are no race locations planned nearby until 2012. But while reviewing the website I came across the page describing the opportunity for Tough Mudders to race with Team GORUCK once you have successfully completed a GORUCK Challenge. I've been dreaming of the event ever since.

The Challenge is partly the reason I purchased the MiR weighted vest a few months back. It is one of the reasons I have kept running. It is why I am now waking up before 5:30 AM everyday to bust my butt lifting weights at the gym. It is the reason I am pulling two-a-days. It has become my obsession. And I am now officially registered. No turning back.

Don't get me wrong. I am scared. Nervous as h*ll. Worried about a million different things - most terrified that I will not be physically prepared and thus unable to make it through the entire event the day of the Challenge. But I am also SO excited. It makes a giddy thinking about being a strong independent girl. It amazes me all that the human body is capable of achieving. It makes me wonder what my limits are and how I can figure out how to push through that threshold and exceed those moments of struggle and pain.

Obviously this event is currently weighing heavy on my mind and affecting most everything that I do - so plan on hearing more about it in the future.
Anyone else up to take the Challenge?

Random Sidenotes: (1) Check your pockets before doing laundry. This is how I discovered where I had misplaced my lost driver's license. (2) Congratulations to my cousin Kate and her husband Blake on the birth of their first child - a beautiful baby girl! Welcome to Audrey Clare! I can't wait to meet the precious little one! (3) Overdue note but I wasn't selected for NYC. Maybe next year.
(4) Snoring is a deal breaker.

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