11 May 2011

Rise and Shine

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. So I am giving it the old college try. I am doing something I have never before in my life had the ability to stick with - morning workouts!

I like to think of myself as a morning person. Getting up each day, getting dressed, eating breakfast, making the 30 minute commute and still arriving at my desk plenty early never really seems to be a problem for me. The ultimate issue truly arises when that alarm clock goes off and I find myself stuck weighing the two options in my head: get up and get my butt to the gym or stay tucked away all cozy in the world's most comfortable bed. The bed always wins - until now.

I kicked off this week strong and I hope to keep going. My goal is to make it through this week, stick with it through my trip next week, and then hopefully follow up once I return and truly make a routine out of this! So far Monday and Tuesday went surprisingly well. I was up, dressed and down to the gym - and before I could hardly blink an eye I was pounding out my run (moving at a very fast pace I might add!) I have decided to spend the beginning part of the summer refocusing my training and concentrate more on - GASP - weight training versus running. I don't have any major long distance races coming up until next fall, so now more than ever is the perfect time to shake things up.
And I have certainly been doing some (moving and) shaking ...

My goal is to build lean, tone muscle. So far I have stuck to the following routine: quick walking warm-up followed by running a mile at a fast pace. Then a quick walking cool-down followed by a transition to the weight room. Here I do a mixture of the following: weighted push ups, squats + swinging weight, leaping lunges, weighted back rows, side folds and lunges, weighed shoulder presses, decline push ups, mountains climbers, front planks + side planks, and burpees. Hopefully I will be able to build up my endurance over time to add in more reps of each exercise. I eventually even want to add in another mile (or two... or a few...) both at the beginning and end of the workout. But I don't want to try and start too fast right out of the gate only to burn myself out.

It's certainly tough and it gets your heart pumping and the sweat is definitely dripping, but it is a killer workout. I have already felt stronger and more toned after only a few days! I have been a bit sore - Wednesday was taken off as a recovery day and Tuesday evening was spent curled up in my comfy bed with Perform gel rubbed all over my legs. (The real issue stands in that my right quad is killing me, but so is my left calf. So I sort of have to hobble to get around ... and let's not even talk about trying to go down a staircase - ouch!) But the results have been great - I definitely find myself more awake and alert throughout the day, craving much healthier foods (I have stuck to a great meal plan this week: see below) and have been sleeping better at night. I have better focus and problem-solving skills and have been in a much better positive and upbeat mood.

My food intake has consisted of the following meals: breakfast = oatmeal, cheese stick, 1% milk, cranberry-pomegranate juice and green tea : lunch + snacks = casserole of ground turkey-carrots-tomatoes-peas, crackers, peanut butter, banana, granola bar and a sports drink : dinner = green bean casserole, more juice, popcorn and a treat : plus LOTS and LOTS of water throughout the day - It's been great!

So I am very happy to have fallen into this new habit. Hopefully it is a routine that I can keep and maintain. 3 days down ... a lifetime to go.

and ... Happy birthday to Ben - my LA bestie! Most amazing and fabulous friend a girl could ever hope for! So lucky to have you in my life ... even if we live thousands of miles away! worlds apart but close in heart

currently at the top of my playlist: Hey Jude by the Beatles - gets me going every time!

Note: Thanks again for the patience with my slow updates. The next few weeks don't promise to be any less crazy so please continue to stick with me. I am holding off on publishing my post about the Flying Pig until I can get the photos and video from my dad's camera. Hopefully coming soon ...

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