24 April 2011

Random Thoughts

Here's a quick post consisting of the hodge-podge of thoughts currently rushing through my head. Enjoy.

  • Happy Easter! I enjoyed a quiet weekend celebrating the holiday. Saturday consisted of running, shopping and watching The Ten Commandments - fun fact: my dad once met Yul Brynner in a restaurant. Today was a great day visiting with my parents, grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin. And lots and lots of dogs. We attended a wonderful Mass followed by lunch at Cheesecake Factory ... stuffed (but still able to make a hefty dent in my Easter basket candy haul.)
  • Anxiously anticipating noon on Wednesday April 27th - waiting for the announcement to see if I make it into the ING New York City Marathon! The race might not be until November but Opening Day activities start taking place this week. Fingers crossed!
  • I was able to get in a quick 8 mile run yesterday between the rain showers that have plagued us for the past week. Sorry team, the forecast doesn't look too great for the upcoming week either. It was a good final "long" run before next weekend's race. Taking is easy with tapering.
  • Getting very excited (and a little bit anxious and nervous) for Sunday! At this time next week I will have finished my fourth 26.2 race after I complete Cincinnati's Flying Pig Marathon on May 1st. Hoping for less rain than last year ...
  • Upon finishing the marathon I have two goals: buy new running shoes and register for my next race. The event has been selected but suggestions on shoes are still greatly welcomed. Post-run on Saturday I was still experiencing pretty bad blisters on the inner arches of my feet. I have purchased some heavy-duty waterproof bandages to wear next weekend, but desperately need new kicks once the race is over.
praying these will help
  • Yesterday I purchased yurbuds earphones. I have yet to test it out but I am excited to give them a try - my current Nike pair have been giving me trouble lately and will not stay in my ears. yurbuds were advertised at the National Marathon a few weeks ago in DC so I thought I would get a pair and see how they work!
  • Current to-do checklist: survive work week - pack travel bag for next weekend - charge iPod and update playlists - confirm oil change appointment - pick up eyeglasses - finish preparing and mail birthday gift for my LA bestie - finish preparing and wrap anniversary gift for Mom + Dad - make a dent in this month's book club selection - print race confirmation documents - etc.
  • Despite the fact that I spent over an hour and $60 grocery shopping yesterday, I had a minor freak-out this evening when I realized that I had ZERO sports drinks left in my refrigerator. This resulted in an urgent trip and the following results were produced (in addition to a jar of pasta sauce as I plan on carb loading for most of this week)
breathing a deep SIGH of relief
  • And last my last random thought - a lot of people have been dying recently. Sure, people die every day but it seems like over the past week I have heard of more and more people passing away than I would normally know about. Thankfully I have not personally lost any of my loved ones, but my heart and prayers goes out to all those in mourning. Spring is meant to be a season of rebirth and renewal and I hate to think that there are others out there suffering with grief and loss. Know that you are not alone - Heaven has a few new angels to welcome home.
Stay strong. Run on.

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