16 April 2011

(wo)man in the MiR(ror)

Want to make a change (to your workout routine?) Introducing ... the MiR (!)

The MiR brand manufactures professional-grade weight training materials - and they are best known for their weighted vests. We all know the significant importance of incorporating weight training into our workout routines and I decided to purchase this little guy a few months ago to add some variety to my schedule. I LOVE it and will continue singing the praises of weighted training!

The vest I selected is a 20 lb Pro Weighted Vest. I purchased my unit from Amazon during one of their weekly specials and got it for a steal - it was under $50 plus shipping (and the shipping can get expensive when you consider how heavy the package is to be mailed.) It arrived in a deceivingly small box but weighed a lot [~20+ lbs.]

It definitely took a little while to get used to the weighted vest. I leave it around my place and when I go to pick it up out of the closet I always give a grunt as I try to heave the thing up - I sometimes feel like I can barely lift it! 20 lbs is A LOT! But now I can put it on and run for miles like it is no problem ...

For me one of the most difficult parts is physically getting the vest ON and OFF. The unit I purchased does not have adjustable straps on the shoulders but rather just a hole for your head. So I have to hold it up in the air, fling it over my back where it always lands with a THUD and then wiggle my little head in before allowing it to rest comfortably on my shoulders. I strap myself in tightly but still allow plenty of room for my chest to expand and contract as my breathing patterns change throughout my run.

not a bullet-proof vest ...

I can not cover extremely long distances while wearing the vest (usually just worn during my 4 mile loop) and it certainly slows down my overall pace - but what it IS doing is aiding in strengthening my muscles and training my body to overcome adversity: so that way when I reach race day and approach the starting line without wearing the vest, my body is able to easily adjust and is more than prepared to take on the run under much easier conditions. Training with the vest has definitely increased my overall strength, stamina and speed.

One thing that is great about MiR is their vests give you the ability to easily change the overall weight. The units are comprised of small pockets that each hold a 0.75 lb weight. You can simply add or remove these weights to increase or decrease the total weight of the vest.

The only minor issue I have encountered with my MiR is a bit of chaffing. When I originally first began wearing the vest I noticed I would have a large bruise directly on both of my hips bones following my workout. After a few few painful times of this occurring I discovered an ingenious solution and simply removed the weights that were hitting my hip bones - viola! - pain free and bruise free. The other place that still chafes at times is on my collarbone. My collarbone protrudes a little bit and the way in which the vest lays on my front causes the neckline to rub against it. It has gotten better over time as I have adjusted to getting the vest fitting more correctly with each workout - but every now and then I will end up with a few small red marks on my collarbone after a run. (For those considering purchasing a weighted vest I suggest you select a unit where the shoulders unstrap to form separate front and back pieces. This will allow for (1) a more comfortable way to get the vest on and off, and (2) easy adjustment to reduce chaffing resulting from an ill fitting unit.)

Here's a scan of the brochure I received with my MiR weighted vest - Be sure to check out their website for more information! Use the promo code "JOINMIR10" to receive $10 off for each weighted vest and $15 off orders of $250 or more.

There are lots of companies that manufacture weighted training materials - so do some research and find out if adding a piece to your workout routine will be beneficial. Make that change ...

I'm starting with the man in the mirror.
I'm asking him to change his ways.
And no message could have been any clearer.
If you want to make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a change.
-Michael Jackson

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