21 April 2011

congrats are in order ...

Congratulations to all of the finishers during this past weekend's big races!

There were marathoners abound across the globe - Way to go to all of the finishers in the UK at Sunday's London Marathon - And super kudos to everyone who qualified and completed the infamous Boston Marathon on Monday! You all have accomplished greatness with your running!  You did it!

But just in case you start thinking too highly of yourself ... did you complete your first marathon this weekend, and then run an additional 99 miles back to your home? No? Well this man did.

Sam Robson - runner extraordinaire

Check out this article from Yahoo! that chronicles his amazing story!

Not only did Sam finish his first marathon and then trek home - he did it all in the name of raising awareness for an extremely worthy cause: Sam has suffered from epilepsy for many years and wanted to fundraise with his running.

Sam Robson #forthewin #inspirational

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