10 April 2011

Run Around Town

I have lived in my town for over a year and a half ... and I just discovered the city's local running trail! I think Mother Nature read the rant on my previous post and delivered GORGEOUS weather the rest of the week. I hopped in my car and ventured out towards the trail head immediately following work.

I give the experience an overall B+. The trail was wonderful but there were some many errors on my part that lessened the enjoyment of the run. Starting out ... I got lost en route to the park. Like previously mentioned I have lived in my city for quite some time now - and I still rely on my GPS like my life depends on it. (I regularly get lost driving to work ...) So I stopped at a gas station and did a quick search for directions on my Blackberry. A few minutes later I was there! (The park is actually only about 5 minutes away from my home and I still managed to get lost ... stupid one-way streets!)

But my failure to plan regarding directions cascaded into general failure to plan the run. I was overdressed for the occasion - while it had snowed only days earlier I was now sweating in long sleeves and shorts. It was almost as if my body had forgotten how to run in warm weather. And I desperately needed sunglasses which I totally forgot. In the excitement to get started in exploring a new place I totally forgot to stretch and my knees were crying only minutes into the run. I got lost multiple times as I was rather unsure about the direction of the trail. I ran right past a sign marking a No Outlet area. And the bugs ... oh the bugs. I forgot that bugs like gnats love warm weather and thrive near water. The trail is planned along the banks of a local river and let's just say I swallowed more than a couple of those little suckers. (And one large guy in particular even ended up in my eye! Yikes!)

But what I lacked in preparation was made up for in the beauty and enjoyment of taking in the scenes. I truly live in a beautiful city - and I was able to experience it from different views I had never explored before. It was a gorgeous day and I had no expectations. I was free to wander and see the sights as I pleased. It wasn't too hard of a training run because I spent much of the time snapping pictures on my phone. But it was definitely a cool new place to experience! I love that even though I live in a very urban setting downtown I can easily catch this quick escape into nature.

snapping shots of the city skyline
ship in the city / downtown harbor
spring has sprung
daffodils in bloom
obsessed with clouds and the skies : lovely
i do not follow directions ...
city from afar
i reached the end of the line ... dead end
intrigued by these crazy spikes
this BIG guy ended up in my eye ... ouch (!) 
down by the river waters
hey girl hey
sunset ... love love love 
66 degrees !!!
back in the city
city center 
Adding the trail to my list of regular favorite running spots. Details on today's ~20 miler to come ... after many hours of recovery.

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