05 April 2011

Under the Weather

I've been feeling under the weather lately - not to mention the weather has not been cooperating with me! There is some sort of cold/flu/illness that has been going around both my home and workplace and unfortunately it looks like I might have caught it. There is the sore throat, icky cough and temperature swings - not to mention my general state of zombie-like tiredness from traveling for the past three weeks. And I've heard that I have loss of appetite and possibly vomiting to look forward to - oh joy. Some people will claim that exercising while sick can help to "sweat it out" of you. Illness doesn't send me running anywhere ... except straight for my bed.

I am also a general cold-weather-hater and winter has yet to leave. We've had recent bouts of snow (not too much accumulation but enough to make it unbearably chilly) and rainstorms of torrential downpour conditions. And for a girl who hates staying indoors, needless to say the nasty weather and being under the weather have kept me slacking on my training. I hope to be feeling better soon and greeted with sunny skies and warm weather.

snow greeting me after work : doesn't mother nature know it's april?

And to add insult to injury (or injury to more injury ...) I made the unwise choice to trek around on my travels last weekend in killer heels - killer because they look fabulous but have killed my feet. Blisters are abundant - the price of beauty.

love me /or/ hate me

Heading down the road to recovery - Praying for sunshine and smiles for miles.

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