15 October 2011

How to Run a Marathon

I will be back in action tomorrow racing in the Nationwide Columbus Marathon!
Since I have done a couple of these before I figured I might share some advice.

How to Prepare and Run a Marathon:

1. Select the race you would like to run. And then actually register.

2. Choose a race distance, location and time of year that are appropriate. Don't jump into 26.2 if you have never raced 13.1. And there is a good reason Houston holds their marathon in January while Cincinnati's event is in May.

3. Develop a training program and stick with it! Your body needs to get accustomed to running and running and then running some more. Do a long run every week. Complete at least one 20+ mile run before the actual marathon. Log miles outside on the roads and pavement where you will be racing.

4. If possible register with a friend or two. You do not need to run side-by-side for the entire event but it is so helpful and encouraging to stand at the start together and then cross the Finish Line knowing that they are there cheering you on. Or engage friends to support you out on the course as you race.

5. Attend the Race Expo to help get you mentally prepared. Spend time stopping at all of the fun booths and talking to vendors. Get your questions answered about the race event. Pick up your bib and t-shirt. Snag lots of free goodies!

6. Create an awesome rocking playlist that will keep you motivating and moving throughout the race!

7. Be well prepared the night before the event. Know what you are going to wear. (Never wear anything new for the first time to a race.) Have all of your stuff placed out where you remember it all: race bib, gear check bag, iPod, plus simple things like a photo ID, car keys, house keys, some cash, etc. You don't need to feel rushed or in a frenzy the morning of the race - because you will probably already be a ball of nerves and excitement.

Columbus 2011

8. Plan your route to the starting line. (For Columbus I luckily live only a few blocks away - thus my walk to the start is my warm up and the walk home is my cool down. And I never have to worry about parking!) Know that many streets will be shut down and parking could be tight. If all else fails simply follow the hoards of folks making their way there.

9. Eat well the days before and the morning of the race. Don't try anything too new or crazy with your diet. You will need carbs and protein to keep your energy levels going. And lots and lots of water. Hydrate hydrate hydrate!

Other notes: Know that the starting line and the first few miles will be absolute chaos. You don't simply put tens of thousands of runners together in the same small space right before one of the most major events in their lives and expect everyone to be calm and rational. Try to keep composed and maybe meet a new friend. Remember that they are just as excited (and crazy!) as you are and the running community is one of the nicest in the world. Don't try to go out too quickly. You will see some folks try running full speed right out of the gates. Which is almost near impossible because you need to be dodging the crowds. Believe me when I say this: the pack will thin out. Then simply - HAVE FUN! You trained for this. You can and will accomplish it! I read the most amazing quote the other day:

"Run if you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."

I think this sums it all up. Do what you signed up to do: complete a marathon! Best of luck and know that I am so proud of all of the amazing runners accomplishing great things out there! And more than anything else you should be proud of yourself. No matter what your finishing time and no matter what the circumstances: you are a marathoner!

"Dead last finish is better than 
did not finish which is infinitely greater
than did not start." 
[I saw this quote during one of my first ever marathons ...
and it has stuck with me ever since!]

Now ... because you all know me you are well aware that I am not the best runner in the world. I enjoy it and love the sport more than anyone could ever know but still not exactly top notch. And of course I do not always follow my own advice. (Those who can not do: teach.) So being the sarcastic cuss that I am: I have created a few counter points to those listed above. Enjoy!

How to NOT Prepare and Run a Marathon:

1. On a whim register the day before or the day of a race. Or simply bandit run. And if you're a girl always make sure to race during the wrong time of the month. Extra fun.

2. Washington DC. Unknown distance and period of time. December 31. All while wearing my ruck weighted down with 5 bricks. GORUCK: Hunt DC #caseinpoint

3. Run occasionally. Or sometimes not at all. Log a total distance of less than 19 miles in the month before the event. Do most of it on a treadmill.

4. Register alone. Stand at the start alone in a sea of thousands. Leave the Finish Line with nothing but your pride and finisher's medal.

5. Rush to the Race Expo on your way home from work. Speed in and out and back to your car in less than 20 minutes. Talk to no one. Get a t-shirt that is cute looking but smells funny. Confirm that the race timing chip is an alien-like device you have never seen the likes of before.

WTF (???)

6. Create an awesome rocking playlist that will keep you motivating and moving throughout the race! And then don't charge your iPod so that the battery dies the morning of the event. Or even better just forget the entire thing at home.

7. Moderately prepare before an event. Lay out some of the stuff you might need. Plus some stuff you probably won't need. Don't really do any laundry for a few weeks to confirm you have nothing decent to wear.

8. DC. March 2011. Wait for over an hour outside the gates of a closed Metro station. In the freezing cold. Make it across the starting line well after the race has begun feeling super rushed.

9. Eat entirely too much Chipotle.

best bib ever : buy one get one free burrito !!!

So I kid ... but in all seriousness I am super excited to be competing in my fifth marathon tomorrow. Looks like the weather is going to be absolutely GORGEOUS! I don't know exactly what to expect from my performance because unfortunately I have been more closely following my second list of instructions rather than the first. But no matter what happens during an event when I get out there are hear the crowds cheering and feel the adrenaline rushing and hearing my heart pounding and my legs beating away on the pavement - and then I see that Finish Line - that's when I remember why I run. And why I love it.

commit. train. believe. achieve.

Best of luck to all those racing this weekend! See you in 26.2!

And if all else fails simply follow these words of wisdom:

11 October 2011

Hurts So Good

Back in action! And lots of little notes to catch up with you all!

Let the panicking / mass waves of excitement / craziness that is my pre-planning commence: I am running the Columbus Full Marathon this coming Sunday ... yes as in 5 (!) days from now. I received my final instructions confirmation e-mail the other day and it sent a shock wave through me - wait am I actually running another marathon? And in less that a week? Ahhhhhh !!! (More freaking out the ensue in the following days. Be prepared. You've been warned.) 

NYC was fabulous! My mother and I truly enjoyed our trip and I fell in love with the city. Defintely will be returning in the future for some more fun.

bright lights. big city.
lady liberty
occupy wall street protests. no comment.
never forget.
This morning started off a little bit rough with a commute that lasted almost 2 HOURS (!!!) due to a terrible crash and hazardous spill. Yikes! Mix that with the unpleasant experience of getting hit on by a creepy man at a gas station (all before 7:30 am) and I knew it was going to be a long Tuesday.

Tonight was a super fun-filled evening of gossiping with the girls and carving pumpkins. I made a bat ... it turned out kinda cute with a little bit of a gimpy wing. Oh well.

And now to the real pain ... but oh oh how it hurts SO good! I am back in training and have made it to the gym TWICE (that's Monday + Tuesday = everyday so far this week!) in the morning and hit out some awesome workouts. It's been running to warm up followed by an intense weight series. (Stayed tuned for more details on my weight training and hopefully even some video.)

5:15 am wake up call
While I am extraordinarily stoked that I am back to building some serious muscles I am thoroughly NOT enjoying the dull aching pain that comes along with it. My arms hurt. My ribs pinch when I laugh. And, good gracious, do my thighs burn like fire. If I can just soldier through a few more days (and then run a full marathon ... and then recover) I know that it will get easier.
I just have to keep reminding myself.

But once I am sitting - I am down for the count. And don't even think of mentioning stairs to me. Ouch! Guess I just gotta keep myself moving!

Blog inspiration: Hurts So Good : Love me some John Cougar Mellencamp

04 October 2011

Party in the USA

I am getting ready to go off the grid for the next few days: NYC awaits!

My mother is taking me for my first ever trip to the Big Apple this weekend and I couldn't be more excited! We've got a hectic schedule ahead of us that includes sightseeing : a Broadway musical : delicious food : plus lots and lots of shopping!

Following my return from Manhattan I have a boom boom pow of marathons awaiting me: Columbus (fly to Charleston and then driving with SP to race in) Savannah (then fly to LA and heading up to) Malibu with B+J. Then I can breathe for a hot second and stuff my face at Thanksgiving (a holiday for which I am SO SUPER excited this year!) Oh and add Halloween back in there somewhere.

Fast forward to the holidays. And Santa baby I've already started writing up my XMAS list: lots of warm weather gear to help my tackle ... drum roll please ... GORUCK Scavenger: Hunt DC !!! So I actually did it. Took the plunge tonight and registered. And purchased a plane ticket. And booked a hotel.

Note to self: maybe try to show a little bit of self restraint while shopping in NYC this weekend. You've got lots more trips to pay for coming up soon!
So if I'm not on a plane or working - I guess I'd better be working out to keep in shape for all of these amazing events I've got on my calendar!

And if these little get-away vacations aren't enough to look forward to there's already the two Caribbean cruises I have booked for 2012. Heading south in January and May. But we all know there's still lots of time between now and then to book a couple more extravaganzas! Bon Voyage!

03 October 2011

Fat Kid Moment

I've been having a few fat kid moments recently ... (make that fat kid DAYS)
My weekend was consumed with consuming fast food. And not fast running.
I devoured the following in less than 24 hours. By myself.
Yes that is a FULL size bag. Disgusting.

hello canker sores

But I found some motivation this afternoon.

Looks like it's back to the weight room for this little lady.
And I'm bringing my ruck with me this time.

Here's to ringing in 2012. Now to just figure out how to get the days off from work and book a flight + hotel. Next stop: our nation's capital city. GORUCK style.

Please note that I am not officially registered for the Scavenger ... yet.
But it is my new official obsession. Give me a few days to make the arrangements. I'll make it happen. Make it work. And then DO work.

02 October 2011

Medal Diaplay Board

One really neat feature that comes from running races is receiving all of the cool finisher's medals. I've been collecting for quite some time now and I've been looking for a fun way to display them. I've simply kept them all strewn together in a decorative bowl on one of my shelves, but have been searching for a more creative decorating idea. My friend Sam created these cute display stands:

This past week I found what I have been looking for - allow me to explain. This month's ladies book club event took place at a local wine shop. (The company, our gossip and the lack of conversation about our awful book choice: wonderful. The wine ... not so great.) While the winery's homemade drinks weren't top notch, the atmosphere was fantastic and featured some really cool decor ideas. As I was paying I noticed something hanging on the back wall that caught my eye. I headed over and got a closer look at the amazing feature. It was a window shutter outfitted with many hooks, each of which held one of the winery's award medals (although I am not sure why they won so many awards with that awful tasting wine!) I loved how it looked and knew I had to copy the idea for my own.

I spent my Saturday down the block at an amazing local antiques mall and came away with a few more good finds than I was anticipating. In addition to the shutter I was searching for, I also purchased a cute vintage purse, a new outdoor bench for my patio and a lovely wooden armchair I have already re-upholstered (working with leather is tougher than it looks!)

The shutter came attached double-wide, so I unscrewed the two panels and am keeping one in storage in case it is needed for future use. I cleaned the piece down (super dusty, grimy and dirty) and then used my new favorite tool - the staple gun - to attach some light weight batting to the back of the shutter. I was afraid that after time some of the dirt I could not remove might permanently stain my white walls. And I am a renter. Yikes. I strategically laid my medals out on the board to determine their best placements. I took each medal and trimmed the ribbon down to a suitable length and re-stitched the ends back together. Then I simply screwed the little golden hooks into the board and hung all of the awards. Viola! Here are my finished results:

I am very proud of the piece - and very proud to display all the medals that mark some of the biggest accomplishments in my life! Next step: running more races to add additional medals to the collection! (And actually hanging it up ... sometime when my grouchy neighbor isn't around so she won't mind me hammering nails into the wall!)