11 October 2011

Hurts So Good

Back in action! And lots of little notes to catch up with you all!

Let the panicking / mass waves of excitement / craziness that is my pre-planning commence: I am running the Columbus Full Marathon this coming Sunday ... yes as in 5 (!) days from now. I received my final instructions confirmation e-mail the other day and it sent a shock wave through me - wait am I actually running another marathon? And in less that a week? Ahhhhhh !!! (More freaking out the ensue in the following days. Be prepared. You've been warned.) 

NYC was fabulous! My mother and I truly enjoyed our trip and I fell in love with the city. Defintely will be returning in the future for some more fun.

bright lights. big city.
lady liberty
occupy wall street protests. no comment.
never forget.
This morning started off a little bit rough with a commute that lasted almost 2 HOURS (!!!) due to a terrible crash and hazardous spill. Yikes! Mix that with the unpleasant experience of getting hit on by a creepy man at a gas station (all before 7:30 am) and I knew it was going to be a long Tuesday.

Tonight was a super fun-filled evening of gossiping with the girls and carving pumpkins. I made a bat ... it turned out kinda cute with a little bit of a gimpy wing. Oh well.

And now to the real pain ... but oh oh how it hurts SO good! I am back in training and have made it to the gym TWICE (that's Monday + Tuesday = everyday so far this week!) in the morning and hit out some awesome workouts. It's been running to warm up followed by an intense weight series. (Stayed tuned for more details on my weight training and hopefully even some video.)

5:15 am wake up call
While I am extraordinarily stoked that I am back to building some serious muscles I am thoroughly NOT enjoying the dull aching pain that comes along with it. My arms hurt. My ribs pinch when I laugh. And, good gracious, do my thighs burn like fire. If I can just soldier through a few more days (and then run a full marathon ... and then recover) I know that it will get easier.
I just have to keep reminding myself.

But once I am sitting - I am down for the count. And don't even think of mentioning stairs to me. Ouch! Guess I just gotta keep myself moving!

Blog inspiration: Hurts So Good : Love me some John Cougar Mellencamp

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