03 October 2011

Fat Kid Moment

I've been having a few fat kid moments recently ... (make that fat kid DAYS)
My weekend was consumed with consuming fast food. And not fast running.
I devoured the following in less than 24 hours. By myself.
Yes that is a FULL size bag. Disgusting.

hello canker sores

But I found some motivation this afternoon.

Looks like it's back to the weight room for this little lady.
And I'm bringing my ruck with me this time.

Here's to ringing in 2012. Now to just figure out how to get the days off from work and book a flight + hotel. Next stop: our nation's capital city. GORUCK style.

Please note that I am not officially registered for the Scavenger ... yet.
But it is my new official obsession. Give me a few days to make the arrangements. I'll make it happen. Make it work. And then DO work.

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