14 June 2011

C90X - Day 1

I think most people have heard of P90X. It started out as an info-mercial and has become a worldwide sensation. Spend some money to get the DVD's and invest in a few home fitness pieces. Ninety days and countless amounts of sweat (and probably tears) later and the pounds seem to have melted off revealing a hard bodied babe. Or so the system claims.

My best friend started P90X yesterday. Again. For the fourth time. That's the thing about the system. Everybody seems more than enthusiastic to start but very few ever actually finish it. Ninety days is a LONG time. I counted if off on my calendar and that puts us at September 11. It seems so far away. Then I got to thinking ... could I ever do a physical fitness challenge for 90 days?

I didn't go out and buy the system. There are plenty of (probably bootlegged) copies of the disks circulating around our office and I am sure that I could find a web-site where I could watch them. But I have never really been one to conform to the system. I get bored very easily. I am not sure I could last for that long only working with a few tapes. Now I will admit that I do not know too terribly much about it  - and I am certainly not trying to knock the system. It seems great and I am sure it works for a lot of people. But not for this girl.

So I am dedicating myself to C90X (the Carrie version of P90X.) I am challenging myself to 90 days of work towards continued physical fitness. This means thinking conscientiously about my food choices (as I reflect back on my day now it seems that I have actually done okay!) and working on some form of exercise each day. Part of the novelty of P90X is that there are multiple tapes that allow you to shake up the workout you do each day. I intend to do something similar based on how my mind and body feel each day. My C90X system will also allow for me to fit in workouts around my busy schedule. I do not need to spend 45-60 minutes in front of the TV each day with a tape. There are some days when all I can squeeze in is 15 minutes of lifting - but other days I need to dedicate many hours to my long distance runs. My system will also easily adjust as my training for upcoming events begins to escalate and decline as I taper, race and recover.

The past few days have given us absolutely gorgeous weather for which I have been so very thankful. I've also slacked off big time. But with today being the first day of my new challenge I am spending time lifting and stretching to get my body used to moving again. We'll see what tomorrow brings as I step up to face the day. I am also a person who finds big motivation in numbers. So I plan on putting a chart on my refrigerator (nerd alert) and crossing it off day by day as I work towards my goal.

So I am actually going to give this a shot. Follow along to see how far I actually make it. (And in case you were wondering I could only stick to morning workouts for two solid weeks before skipping out on that bandwagon. oops.)

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