03 June 2011

Let's Get Muddy

Race day approaches ... Warrior Dash !!!

From the official website: "Warrior Dash is a mud-crawling, fire leaping, extreme run from hell. This fierce running series is held on the most challenging and rugged terrain across the globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits and celebrate with kick-ass music, beer and warrior helmets."

I heard about this race last December and knew that it was a MUST to add to my list. I tried to recruit a few others to run with me ... but alas I will be trekking this one alone come Sunday. Well ... alone with a few hundred of my closest friends.

The Warrior Dash is 3.1 miles interrupted periodically along the route with tons of challenging and fun obstacles. Take a look at the SOLD OUT Ohio course:

The obstacles planned for the course include: Wicked Windstorm, Knee High H*ll, Junkyard Jam, Deadweight Drifter, Tunnels of Terror, H*ll's Hill, Walk the Plank, Warrior Wall, Hay Fever, Rio Run, Cliff Hanger, Cargo Climb, Warrior Roast and Muddy Mayhem.

There are over 500+ participants with waves starting every half hour on both Saturday and Sunday. While I couldn't get any of my buddies to race, plenty of my co-workers and other acquaintances will be out on the track.

I am looking forward to a great weekend - relaxing by the pool on Saturday, spending time with my mother in the evening and racing in the world's muddiest challenge on Sunday! I know that I will survive but hope I won't hurt too badly ...

Last weekend I went super STRONG on all of my workouts but have been severely SEVERELY slacking ALL week. I've been tired and it was near impossible to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. This could be due to the fact that we are smack in the middle of weeks of fashion's (2nd) busiest time of the year. Fall is coming soon for all you shoppers ... and we're on the other end working extra hard ahead of time to make sure next season's styles look great for everyone to wear! I wish I could say that the end is in sight and a lull will be coming soon ... but in the retail world X-MAS is just around the corner!

Happy weekend-ing. Get muddy!

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