07 June 2011

Minor Freakouts

Life is full of little (and big) surprises. Everyone reacts to them differently. Today I was faced with a few surprises. Here's how I reacted.

(1a) I received the following e-mail on my Blackberry this afternoon:

In case you can't read the tiny font essentially the message is that my GORUCK Challenge has been canceled and my class will now be merging with the 1 AM class. Minor freakout. I was not planning to get to Cincinnati that early. I work all day on Friday and then have a few hours to drive (on a holiday weekend) and will also need to be physically rested and ready to run for many hours and many miles. After the initial panic hit and I had gotten all of the negativity and worst case scenarios out of my head, I calmed down and realized that it will all work out. I want this really badly and if you want it enough you can make it happen. And I will. My registration is not being withdrawn. 
As the wise Tim Gunn says "Make it work."

[In need of some inspiration? View to clip below.]


(1b) I have not worked out in a very long time. This is BAD. I am supposed to be training (and training HARD) for the physical fitness challenge of a lifetime which is QUICKLY approaching. But no. I am slacking. And still sore from Warrior Dash. And continuing to find more scrapes bumps and bruises daily. 
There's always tomorrow? (Famous last words.)

(2) Today I found out that I will be moving roles and transitioning to a new team at work - an opportunity for which I am very excited! I will be working with the same types of garments but will be going from the female side and now working with male merchandise. I am looking forward to meeting and operating with a new team (but will be missing my current co-workers dearly - they are all awesomely amazing!)

(3) Clearing my calendar for all of Summer 2013 for the Chicago wedding of the year! Two of my best friends will be getting married and I promise I will be there! (But Bethie and Jason please let me know - preferably sometime in the next two years - if you are able to narrow it down to a specific date instead of an entire season. Thanks.) And best of luck as these two begin their big move and transition from DC to Seattle! (I do not envy your week-long car ride with a pug.)

gorgeous ring !!!

(4) My father is still not doing well and is struggling to recover from his back injury. Please keep him in your thoughts. Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated. It is hard to see someone you love so much hurting so badly.

(5) [delayed ... but still a surprise anyway] My baby brother was admitted into Business School! Way to go CJ! He worked super hard on his admissions entrance and it paid off! Now on to the tasks of choosing a major and scheduling classes ... good luck!

siblings steering the cruise ship

(6) Last but not least - and not too much of a surprise or reason to freak out - sleep does wonders. Let me say that again. Sleep is awesome. I have been feeling out of sorts physically for a few days now and last night I came home from work and headed straight to my bed. Many many hours later and I am feeling super refreshed and back to my normal self. Just sleep on it. (Seriously.)


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