21 June 2011

Making Strides

C90X is still going strong. While I can not boast to have accomplished any spectacular workouts over the past week I have not been completely idle. Every single day I have signed up to get moving and that's what I have done. I am getting up and getting going. One day I had an errand to run in the city and parked my car further away than I would have liked. (Mostly I didn't want to fight the evening rush-hour traffic to scout out a parking spot.) I spent twenty minutes hiking around the city blocks (even if my main intent was to hunt down the perfect bottle of champagne from the local wine shop!) It's those little adjustments that are making the difference. I do not let myself go to bed each night until I have exercised. Keepin' up the hard work.

I also paid the price (again) this weekend in making the fatal mistakes to waltz around in heels. Blisters abound. womp womp. But I like to think that I looked good doing it. "No excuses. Play like a champion."

But I am making strides in the right direction towards accomplishing my goal of completing the GORUCK Challenge! The pre-race days are winding down and as my nerves continue to grow even more and more anxious I am slowly but surely beginning to cross things off of my list. I have actually taken the water bladder out of the box (big step there - I'd better pace myself) yet still need to rinse it out and practice a run while using it.

 And last Sunday I wrapped my bricks! I immediately put them into my Flying Pig backpack and have been wearing it around whenever I home ... further evidence to prove my true dork-ness. Oh well. I own it. Here's the progression I took -
I will be sure to let you all know how they fare for me come Challenge day!

layer #1 : all-over duct tape
layer #2 : covered in bubble wrap
layer #3 : final seal with more duct tape
I am also plotting for a major long run this weekend - attempting to pull a weighted thirteen! Yikes! I've been thinking "Hopefully the weather cooperates" and then I smack myself and think "Silly girl! Rain or shine - you're gonna be running it either way!"

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