30 June 2011

Final Countdown

Here we gooooo ...

Cincinnati is at the top of the list! We're next!
Well folks this is it - the long awaited day is finally arriving - GORUCK Challenge! I am so excited anxious nervous ... (too many emotions for words!) And I can not wait until tomorrow night!

Last weekend I was able to bust out a weighted thirteen miler. And it was fabulous. Thus I can faithfully draw the conclusion that the odds are in my favor and I will not die during the Challenge.

To help appease my over-planning self, here are some of the last minute preparations I am taking before the big event:

The starting point has been revealed. We are to meet at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse (famous for Cincinnati barbecue ribs) for the 1AM Challenge.

Tonight there is a pre-event Ruckoff (definition: found here) at the Hofbrauhaus in Northern Kentucky. Unfortunately due to work I am missing out in the festivities and have to wait until tomorrow to better get to know my teammates.

my ruck load
The packing list includes the following items (taken directly from the GORUCK site - with my thoughts added in blue:)

  • GORUCK Backpack - You have the opportunity to pre-order a GORUCK backpack when you register. If you pre-order a bag, your brand new bag will be waiting for you at the starting point. If you already own a GORUCK bag, feel free to use it for the Challenge, as the bags get better with time and use. If you do not pre-order a bag or bring your own, we will have a variety of GORUCKs for you to borrow for the Challenge, but we cannot guarantee which type of bag you will get to use. (I pre-ordered a GR1 and CAN NOT WAIT to see the freaking thing! Already scheming how I am going to pack up the load tomorrow night!)
  • Water - Camelbak bladder or water bottles. Important: In summer months, Camelbaks are ideal, but they tend to freeze during winter Challenges. If you are signed up for a winter Challenge, bring water bottles instead. (Got my water bladder and have run with it. Love that thing.)
  • Food - Energy bars and/or gel shots. Our preference is Peanut M&M's. (Please see below for my complete food packing list addendum.)
  • Headlamp - Mandatory for all night classes. (check.)
  • Lightweight trail running shoes that can get wet and handle varied terrain. (Well they are not trail running shoes but rather old cr*ppy Nikes with little wear left in them...)
  • Lightweight pair of socks and clothing that do not retain water. (Planning to wear my go-to Nike shorts, C-Bus marathon Nike DriFit, and some awesome socks my mom gifted to me.)
  • Lightweight windbreaker that does not retain water. Note: This is required for any Challenge where temperatures are expected to drop below 50 degrees. This is to prevent hypothermia, and you will not be allowed to participate without one. (Throwing this into my car but hoping I will not need to carry it in my ruck.)
  • Gloves, no matter the season, to protect your hands (Hunting for my old LAX gloves when I reach my parents home. In the likely case that these can not be found, I am bringing my disposable pair of gloves from the swag bag at the National race in DC last March.)
  • In winter months, a winter hat (It's July ... )
  • One small waterproof bag with a change of socks and an extra shirt. (More awesome socks and a long-sleeve Nike plus a sleeveless Under Armour.)
  • One form of identification. (Driver's License.)
  • $20 for a cab in case you are unable to complete the Challenge. (I honestly do not have $20 cash on me. I will attempt to remember to drive through an ATM but will most likely end up borrowing the spot from my mom.)
  • Bricks - If you weigh under 150 lbs, bring 3 bricks. If you weigh over 150 lbs, bring 4. Make sure they are wrapped in something, a t-shirt or whatever, with duct tape covering your new best souvenir. Your back will thank us later. Do not worry about the size of the bricks, the color of the bricks, or the brand of the bricks. Just bring your bricks. (I've got three. And they are super wrapped. They are currently tied and being held together with a yoga strap ... Don't ask but a stroke of genius on my part.)
  • Your class is responsible for bringing one 25-pound weight. This can be a dumbbell, but it doesn’t need to be. Get creative, and don't ask us any questions about this. It's your team. (My class has selected to bring a case of beer - hopefully a good flavor aka Bud Light - but I'm not too picky - plus four 1 lb bags of Peanut M&M's. Sounds like a good plan. I can equate our extra weight to a typical grocery store shopping trip for me!)
  • A friend. True, the team comes together as one, but you will not regret coming with a battle buddy. (I don't know anyone personally - yet - but some future teammates have already begun doing it up Facebook style. I think I can speak for myself as well as a few others in saying that we are all really excited to meet each other!)
I have been stalking the GORUCK Facebook page and browsing through photos from previous Challenges. It only gets me more obsessed and wishing more and more that tomorrow was here now!

I did some super shopping for sustenance to procure the following stash:

Kroger did not have my favorite GU Chomps but I think I can survive with my selection. Plus I added in a bag of Goldfish crackers and a Vitamin Water.

Okay - so this is really it. I am going to do this thing. Coming back successful.
Or not coming back at all.

Final thought: I am throwing in some band-aids. Just in case.

On another note: I registered for two Fall races today. My schedule has been updated and now definitely includes the Columbus Full and Savannah Full.
I've got some more miles ahead of me ...

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