31 August 2011

Work Hard : Play Harder

From reading my previous posts most people know:
(1) I am a runner.
(2) I work hard.
(3) I love my job.

And I am very lucky to work for a company that allows me to celebrate my love for running in a very cool way. The A&F Challenge is taking place next Thursday on September 8th and I will be participating in the event's 5K run. All proceeds raised will go to The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute to help support the fight against cancer and work to find a cure.

The night promises to be filled with a ton of really great activities. The price of admission includes drinks (beer wine and non-alcoholic beverages) plus an amazing menu filled with lots of tasty treats! (I eat food from our cafe all the time and it is delicious.) There are cool events including the 5K run / walk and 20 mile bike ride. There are lots of activities for kids and families. And two spectacular bands will be giving live performances: Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears, plus Matt & Kim. Be sure to check out this video for more details!

The event will take place in New Albany, Ohio near Columbus - where ANF's Home Office is headquartered. It promises to be a fun time filled with the smiling faces of nice, smart, friendly people. Plus everyone who registers also gets a free tee shirt ... that the boys on my team made! Join in the fun or make a donation to help this amazing cause. Come support the fight against cancer.

The harder the challenge. The greater the reward.
Play Hard. Accept the Challenge. Live the Tradition.

28 August 2011

Back to the Streets ...

Run Around Town: Oxford Edition

I attended college at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. It is the place where I first discovered my love for running. This weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to return back and I celebrated with a long(-ish) run on Sunday morning. Follow my (we'll call it) 6 miles (give or take a little bit) as I retrace the steps of my past along the best streets in the world.

"To think in such a place, I led such a life."

early morning gardens
gates to the university
high street - leading uptown
RSC : where i spent MANY hours
second home
one of the best views in the world
map of the city
cool statue outside my former home / workplace
302 logan lodge ... love.love.love.
memories and life lessons in growing up
LG's future home : can't wait to visit (!)
hometown classic : walk-up version
brickstreet : home of the ever-loving gina
beautiful st. mary's
legendary skipper's and b&d : morning version
king library : don't study too hard
much needed fuel
iconic beta bells
so many memories in BE's room
MU seal at the hub
stepping on the seal (!)
upham arch
kiss your sweetheart at midnight
stalking an oxford squirrel
laws hall : MY business school
EGB : @SP got your text right as i was running by
gates to farmer
new business school: movie star material
pulley tower
many many miles logging laps at cook field
making me feel  SO OLD
freshman dorm: tappan hall
sophomore dorm : porter
1977 dodds hall : where my parents met

incredible weekend filled with incredible people. feeling very very blessed.

[132 : 6 : 6 : 24.75 : 24.75]

25 August 2011

Changing the Game

In the beginning ... before there was running ...
There was golf (at least in this girl's life!)

And so I am back to my first love. This week I joined a country club and have thus found myself spending my evenings post-work hitting the driving range.
I played golf competitevly for years and I am so excited to be getting back to a sport that brings me so much joy! My skills are certainly a little bit rusty
(I counted back and the last time I played was November 2010 when I was traveling in California. And I wasn't even using my own set of clubs!) But being on the links brings back so many emotions and memories for me - I knew I couldn't stay away for too long! Very happy with the decision I made!

my other pair of Nikes

While I have literally changed up my game - I am also recognizing the fact that I need to change my game regarding training for all of these (quickly approaching!) Fall races. Attempting (and failing miserably) to return to the gym / take my bum outside and log some miles each morning ... but my bed begs me not to abandon it so early everyday. Gearing up for a fun weekend of celebrating my Brother's 21st birthday and planning a long run in there (barring no hangovers ... scratch that - just need remind myself about rule #76 : see below)

In other game-changing news there has been one minor / major change to my Fall racing calendar. Sadly I am no longer going to be participating in the Great Prostate Cancer Challenge 5K Walk in Cincinnati with my family. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts my parents and CJ will be unable to attend. I was extremely disappointed when I first heard the news, but my motto in life is
"Deal with it or Get over it." So I dealt with it: I talked with the race organizer and had my entry fee refunded. I am re-registering for the event when it comes to Columbus a few weeks later! I am still doing what I love - running - to show support for those that I love. It's the best of both worlds! And while I really wish my family could be there to share in the spirit of the event I know that they will be there in my heart and certainly on my mind.

And as an added plus I am going to RUN the 5K instead of walking !!!

Half marathon in 10 days. Holy cow. Reality check.

22 August 2011

Rule #76

No excuses. Play like a champion.

There are lots of excuses. I've got a ton - I'm full of them.

But I am not sharing them here today.
Instead I'll just share a semi-sad story about my slacking.

I knew it was a bad sign when I drove home taking a different route tonight. My directions took me along the path of my mid-length [6-10 mile] run. And I realized that I have not run that route in a very long time. In such a long time in fact that an entirely new grocery store has been constructed and opened. You don't just open a huge-*ss supermarket overnight. That building must have been under development for quite awhile. And my lazy butt missed the entire thing.

Back to life. Back to reality. Back on track. Back to the streets where we began ...

PS Happy (early) 21st birthday to my most amazing (and only) younger sibling Christopher John! I love you Brother! Can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend. And I really hope you love your still-a-work-in-progress gift. Let's just say that the last ~30 locations or so in my GPS have been liquor stores ... can't find the perfect drink I'm looking for but will continue to search just for you!
Love Sis

14 August 2011

Strength & Weakness

This week I logged zero miles. None. Nothing. No progress. And there is really no excuse. The weather was gorgeous. Work was not super super crazy.
(Only slightly crazy.) I didn't have a thousand prior engagements holding me back.
I was just uncommitted and could not find the motivation to get moving.
This got me thinking about things and about myself ...

We all have them: things that makes us strong and things that makes us weak. Things that build us up and things that break us down. The first step to conquering your faults is admitting that there is a problem. Sometimes you have to let yourself be weak in order to become stronger.

So here we go ... my strengths and my weaknesses

introverted-ness : pizza, french fries, wine, chocolate : non-confrontational : moments of self-doubt : easily bored : fear of butterflies : pride : cute guys : shopping a sale : rationalization : poor spelling skills : judgmental : animals (especially dogs) : over-analyzation : lack of motivation

dedicated : strong listener : smart : self-assured : patient : peaceful : my experiences : being rational : detail-oriented : pride : open-minded : no regrets : independent : organized : family + friends : hard-working : leadership skills

Writing these lists was actually harder to do than I had anticipated. Because as I began to think about each thing it became apparent that I could spin the trait either way. All of the qualities could easily be moved from one list to the other depending upon how you look at the situation and the context into which it is taken. There are some things that I placed on both lists. For example sometimes my pride drives me past the point when I know I should stop - it pushes me to do something for the sake of being noticed or not having to admit defeat. On the other hand I take pride in what I do - I am humble without being too modest. And take the idea of being rational. I like to think I am a solid voice of reason when it comes to making decisions. But this also gives me the weakness to rationalize any topic either way despite the truth behind the matter.

I think that in order to be a successful runner - a successful athlete - a successful human being - you must be able to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. These traits make up who I am as an individual and it is their unique combination that makes the person I am today. When we acknowledge who we are - all that we are - we are able to play to our strengths and work to improve upon our weaknesses.

I am going to start small by working in the short term. My goal for the upcoming week is to find strength each day and work towards accomplishing a goal - particularly working to achieve something that I find challenging to one of my personal weaknesses. It will be hard but the challenge is worth the reward.

Even on my weakest days - I get a little bit stronger.
Here's to becoming a stronger person.

And Happy Birthday to Sam - one of my very best friends, amazing sorority sister, and fabulous running buddy. Can't wait to visit you in November and conquer the Savannah Full together! Love you girl!

09 August 2011

salty letters

Well folks, here it is - my long awaited and much overdue post about this year's Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. The majority was composed and drafted immediately after the race. I was just waiting until I finally got some pictures to include. Thanks for your much appreciated patience. Enjoy!

Feeling salty. So here are a series of open letters to express my emotions and highlight my race experience at the 2011 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon.

***Disclaimer: I will be the first to admit that I am just being b*tchy with this post. Really I know how truly lucky and very blessed I am to even have the opportunity and capability to run a marathon. And it wasn't ALL terrible (read below.) But after you have been running in the rain for hours and know that you still have many miles to go - your outlook on life and the situation at hand turns a little bit evil. And if you are me - you begin writing sarcastic blog posts in your head. Please enjoy the twisted thoughts that got me through 26.2***

Dear Steve Jobs (CEO of apple)
Your company is on my list at the TOP of my list. Sure you saved the day and made my Mom extra happy when I gave her an iPod Shuffle for an early Mother's Day gift, but I was NOT very pleased pre-race on Sunday morning. My iPod died yet again. Remember back in November when the SAME thing happened right before my race in Malibu? No? Well I do - why do your iPods SUCK SO BAD??? No matter that I charged it for eight hours beforehand. I was forced to run without. No music. Silence. And that is never a good thing because then I am left alone with only my thoughts. And thus I begin writing nasty letters to people like you. Know that I will probably be purchasing a new one soon because I am a materialistic person who has conceded to the debts of consumerism -
but I am still salty about it.

Dear Runners
Congratulations! To the girl I met in the first mile who tried to chat me up: sorry I am not more of a talker. I hope your first marathon went really well and you met your time goal of 04:30:00. To the man wearing underwear over his running shorts: you are hilarious. They read "Don't follow me. I just farted - a BIG one." To the winners: you are so phenomenal and inspiring. The winner on the women's side was blind! To the half marathon winners I watched finish as I approached mile 6: you are awesome.

One note: when that National Anthem plays at the beginning of the race please show some respect. I was deeply saddened and even offended by the majority of runners surrounding me who continued their conversations and did not even turn to face the flag. We are EXTREMELY blessed to live in such an amazing country. Sure everyone wants to show their patriotism now that we've all heard the news regarding the latest development in the War on Terror, but our nation is something that should be celebrated everyday and even in the simplest ways. I still remember being complimented in 5th grade because I always stood at attention with such fervor and held my hand over my heart as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance each morning. Celebrate our country.

Don't freak out if it is super crowded on race morning and you can't make it to the exact coral you are assigned. There are literally thousands of us out there. No one is going to police and pull you off the course. Just chill and hop in when and where you can. Remember that we're all starting and ending at the same place. To those bold ones who used the restroom wherever they could find a spot: I applaud you and your imaginative efforts. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Dear Friends and Family (especially Sam, Sanj, Ben, Joyce, Patti and Lisa)
Thank you guys SO much for your constant support. I love you all. It really means a lot to finish a marathon and know you will have plenty of kind words of encouragement and congratulations waiting for you. It gives me great pride that my running is inspiring to others. And to my favorite fiotch running gals - I missed you two BIG time at the Pig this year. It just wasn't the same without my favorite ladies waiting at the Finish Line Swine. Repeat of (half) marathon madness soon? Somewhere warm please? Maybe in the South ...

Dear Mom and Dad (the best parents anyone could ever have)
Happy 28th Anniversary! Thank you for letting me stay at home (and for even washing my bed linens.) Thanks for a fun filled weekend. Thanks for staying up with me until past Midnight on Friday just chatting and catching up (even though we already talk almost every day!) Thanks for all of the yummy food - ice cream from Dairy Queen, sandwiches from Panera, tacos at Don Pablo's, the delicious pre-race dinner of six types of pasta with unlimited bread followed by the world's most delicious creme brulee at Maggiano's, and for even submitting to my crazy request for Steak n Shake post-marathon (I had such a craving for beef! Oh and in case you couldn't tell - at home we eat out 3 meals a day and rarely keep food in the house...)

Thanks for going to the race expo with me and helping to snag extra free samples of everything. Thanks for supporting me while I ran - even in the rain. Thanks for bringing Madeline to visit me out on the race course. She was the third dachshund I saw and looked the least mischievous (which is really saying something because that little dog is the devil.) Thanks for bringing me the GU Chomps I forgot and left sitting on my bedroom floor. Thanks for letting me crash hard and sleep for many many hours after my run. Thanks for waking up at 4:30 on Monday as I took that early morning commute to work and making me tea and a banana and telling me about the latest news stories. Thanks for being there for me - no matter what. I love you both with all of my heart. You are the most loving, caring, supportive and FUN parents anyone could ever ask for.

Dear Cincinnati
Thanks for the great crowd support! To everyone who saw my race bib and shouted kind words of encouragement "Go Carrie!" - Thanks - You are all awesome! For the group offering doughnuts and Jaeger around mile 10 - I love your spirit. I wish I could have taken you up on your offer. To the little boy arranging a dozen or so pig statues out at the end of his driveway as we ran by - you are adorable. Big shout out to the crowd working the fluid station around miles 17 - 18 : blasting Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" was EXACTLY what I needed at that point in the race. Awesome timing. But to the ladies belly dancing somewhere near mile 24 - you just freaked me out.

One recommendation to the fans (I thought this after last year's race too.) While I appreciate your encouragement it is cruel and unusual punishment to lie to hoards of runners by finding us while we are trekking uphill and shouting out "Last one! It's all downhill from here!" Especially when we round the corner only to find a monster behemoth incline that makes the previous hill we just conquered look like a little baby mound. Not cool. Lying and deceitful.

PS to the City Planners - You might want to checkout the second bridge we ran over - around mile 3. The thing was literally shaking and swaying. I was convinced that the supports were going to give way and there would be thousands of runners that tumbled into the Ohio River. Maybe partner with Kentucky for this one. (Or on second thought ... you best just leave the Bluegrass state out it and fix the problem yourself. I highly doubt that architecture and structural engineering is their strong point.)

Dear H. Suzanne (aka G Sue aka Maxine)
Thanks for all of the chicken. I hope the bathing suit works out well. I can't wait to be your roomie in a few weeks. Let me know if Sadie needs another bath soon. (August update: the bathing suit did work out well - and we had a really fun time rooming together in the Caribbean.)

Dear Katie D
Congrats girl! Way to go finishing your first half marathon! I am sorry that we didn't get the chance to talk at the Expo. I think I saw you once on the race course following very closely to a pace leader - way to stick with it! Hope to see you at our next UA get-together. Or maybe at next year's Pig?

Dear Nexcare Band aids
Thanks. You got the job done. No blisters for this girl. Victory!

Dear Little (Jess)
I knew it was you! (For those who might not know - Jess is one of my two littles from my sorority in college.) When I saw this girl come dashing past around mile 20 - 21 I thought to myself "She looks just like my little." But by then I was getting delirious and thought I could possibly be hallucinating. Plus I didn't want to scream "LITTLE!" and creep out some random girl if it wasn't you. But it was you! Congrats on running in the Relay with your co-workers. I am so proud of you! You did it!

Dear Two Ladies
I saw you for the last 6 to 8 miles of the run. You were wearing matching outfits topped with St. Jude's race vests. One of you had decided to take off your compression sock sleeves. One of you looked older and the other looked a little bit younger - mother and daughter, perhaps. I do not know you. I do not know your story. I did not see you finish. But I know that when I saw the two of you walking hand in hand it melted my heart. That is love. What an inspiration.

Dear Mother Nature
A little sun would be nice now. Sure we've put up with your indulgence of April showers. We are more than ready for some May flowers. Enough is enough. We get it. I am planning to return for next year's Flying Pig - third time's the charm? No rain, por favor.

Dear Carrie (yes - I am writing a note to myself - I know I'm a dork)
Well here you are again. Another marathon behind you. Sure - not your best. (In fact is was your worst to date.) But we all have up days and down days. Blame it on the rain (and the fact that you didn't train as much as you should have because it hasn't stopped raining for the past month.) Blame it on your dead iPod. Blame it on your salty attitude that you woke up with and just couldn't shake for the entirety of the race. I know you REALLY wanted to PR. Blame it on the hills. Know that there is always another race to enter (and girl you've got lots ahead of you!) Think that now there is (hopefully) only room for improvement. Think of all that you have learned. And think of how proud you truly should be of yourself. You ran a(nother) freaking marathon! YOU GO GIRL!

Epilogue: This post was actually a really fun one for me! I had totally forgotten all that I had written post-race and it was neat to relive the experience (even if it wasn't my best racing experience.) I also found it quite hilarious how many mistakes and typos existed before I went back and edited. My brain was probably still a little bit soggy from the marathon and it definitely showed in my original draft. Thank goodness for spell check!

07 August 2011

Running for the Weekend

Dare I say it ... BEST. LONG RUN. EVER.

I had a fabulous weekend topped off with my new favorite activity:
Sunday evening long runs.

These past few days were extremely relaxing (exactly as weekends should be!) and I was able to accomplish a lot. I celebrated a friend's birthday with a delicious dinner and party, got to hang out with a fun group of co-workers, spent time visiting with Sanj while she was back in town on vacation, slept in (sleep is SO underrated. Although for some strange reason I decided to sleep on my couch ... when I own a very nice and extremely comfortable bed ... don't ask ... I guess at 1:30 AM it sounded like a good idea ... ) I registered for a few more exciting races, spent time chatting and catching up with one of my favorites Sam, and then FINALLY got up the energy to kick my butt into gear and finish the weekend with a strong run. I was a little worried earlier this afternoon as I sat on my couch and listened to the absolute downpour outside my window, but the rain cleared up leaving a beautiful evening perfect for running.

I have mapped out my long run schedule through mid-November (yes I am a chronic over-planner) and today called for a 10 mile trek. And like I mentioned above - it was perhaps one of the best long runs I have completed in a VERY long time. I haven't felt this great while running probably since the SunTrust National Half in DC back in March. I plan out all of my routes ahead of time (again, over-planning) to ensure I am covering the proper distance. Today's map took me to many familiar spots but it combined multiple places in a new way that I have never experienced before. And it really helped me to accomplish my run so easily by breaking up the distance into many smaller chunks.

I started out heading North taking the route of my everyday loop. I then headed East - again through familiar territory in the direction I usually run for long routes. But I changed up my course by stopping when I got as far as the Art Museum and turned around to briefly retrace my steps before heading South back towards the neighborhoods around my home. I spent time running through a few "new" streets that I had never experienced before. However I was only a few blocks away from familiar territory at all times so I never felt the fear of getting lost. After completing the bottom portion of the loop I again turned North and ran back up into the heart of the city. After a couple more miles I made a single quick lap around one of the local parks, headed back to the city's main street, and was then back on the track of my familiar everyday route. I finished strong and was so happy with my results! I kept a good pace throughout the majority of the run and there was hardly a moment where I felt like I was breathing too hard, felt extremely winded, or ached to stop. Of course I spent a good portion walking - but I definitely kept the pace moving.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend.

It is times like these when I have to stop and remind myself to look around - and feel truly humbled and blessed for all that I have been given. Life is so absolutely wonderful - if only we take the time to appreciate it's beauty.

[133 : 10 : 18.75 : 18.75 : 18.75]

03 August 2011

Walking for a Cure

I am proud to announce my official registration in the Great Prostate Cancer Challenge - taking place in Cincinnati on September 10! This is the event I am most excited about for the entire Fall season - and I won't even be running! To celebrate my birthday this September I asked my family for only one thing: I want to walk with everyone during this 5K race. The event is called "Dash for Dad." And hopefully I will be dashing with my dad and mom and brother CJ!

This 5K has an incredibly special place in my heart because prostate cancer has played such a major role in my family's history. My mother has dedicated her entire professional career - 31 years - working at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in the Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, where she conducts clinical research trials and works with patients. In the Spring of 2005 my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Yesterday my family was excited to celebrate the six year anniversary of him living life cancer free!

The "Dash for Dad" series is hosting events across the nation. Be sure to check if they will be visiting a city near you - Join in the race for a great cause!

Visit our team page to learn more about fighting the battle against this disease!

Team Burke
 Help our family as we walk to support those still fighting and work to find a cure! All donations are greatly appreciated! Together we can win this battle!

[132 : 6 : 8.75 : 8.75 : 8.75]

01 August 2011

Back on Track

Oh hey there August 1st. I've been waiting for you and knew you would come around eventually. In case you didn't notice, I have gone MIA for a little while. It's funny how sometimes this thing called "life" gets in the way of actually living. But after conquering GORUCK and taking a few weeks off to recover and recuperate I am back on track and ready to go.

The past month has been perhaps one of the busiest times ever on the books in my lifetime thus far. I have spent countless hours working hard and producing results. I have slept very little and had even less free time. But I have enjoyed (nearly) every minute of it and wouldn't trade my place for anything. But now comes the real challenge. I am taking a deep breath (okay, a few deep breaths) and remembering the refocus myself. I am gearing up and beginning my Fall Training! If you need me between now and sometime near the end of 2011 (official "end date" TBD - because we all know this whole lifestyle truly never ends) I will be either working or running. In that order. And doing very little of anything else (with the exception of blogging, of course!) I hope to contribute some truly meaningful and thought provoking posts during my Fall season. I have a goal to recount past races and experiences as well as detail my training and running adventures along the way. There you have it - my promises down in writing. Hold me to it.

I have some truly exciting times and races ahead of me.
Join me on my journey as I cover even more miles.
Consider this my half way mark in the year.
Here's to running it through all the way to 2012.

[132 : 2.75 : 2.75 : 2.75 : 2.75]