22 August 2011

Rule #76

No excuses. Play like a champion.

There are lots of excuses. I've got a ton - I'm full of them.

But I am not sharing them here today.
Instead I'll just share a semi-sad story about my slacking.

I knew it was a bad sign when I drove home taking a different route tonight. My directions took me along the path of my mid-length [6-10 mile] run. And I realized that I have not run that route in a very long time. In such a long time in fact that an entirely new grocery store has been constructed and opened. You don't just open a huge-*ss supermarket overnight. That building must have been under development for quite awhile. And my lazy butt missed the entire thing.

Back to life. Back to reality. Back on track. Back to the streets where we began ...

PS Happy (early) 21st birthday to my most amazing (and only) younger sibling Christopher John! I love you Brother! Can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend. And I really hope you love your still-a-work-in-progress gift. Let's just say that the last ~30 locations or so in my GPS have been liquor stores ... can't find the perfect drink I'm looking for but will continue to search just for you!
Love Sis

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