07 August 2011

Running for the Weekend

Dare I say it ... BEST. LONG RUN. EVER.

I had a fabulous weekend topped off with my new favorite activity:
Sunday evening long runs.

These past few days were extremely relaxing (exactly as weekends should be!) and I was able to accomplish a lot. I celebrated a friend's birthday with a delicious dinner and party, got to hang out with a fun group of co-workers, spent time visiting with Sanj while she was back in town on vacation, slept in (sleep is SO underrated. Although for some strange reason I decided to sleep on my couch ... when I own a very nice and extremely comfortable bed ... don't ask ... I guess at 1:30 AM it sounded like a good idea ... ) I registered for a few more exciting races, spent time chatting and catching up with one of my favorites Sam, and then FINALLY got up the energy to kick my butt into gear and finish the weekend with a strong run. I was a little worried earlier this afternoon as I sat on my couch and listened to the absolute downpour outside my window, but the rain cleared up leaving a beautiful evening perfect for running.

I have mapped out my long run schedule through mid-November (yes I am a chronic over-planner) and today called for a 10 mile trek. And like I mentioned above - it was perhaps one of the best long runs I have completed in a VERY long time. I haven't felt this great while running probably since the SunTrust National Half in DC back in March. I plan out all of my routes ahead of time (again, over-planning) to ensure I am covering the proper distance. Today's map took me to many familiar spots but it combined multiple places in a new way that I have never experienced before. And it really helped me to accomplish my run so easily by breaking up the distance into many smaller chunks.

I started out heading North taking the route of my everyday loop. I then headed East - again through familiar territory in the direction I usually run for long routes. But I changed up my course by stopping when I got as far as the Art Museum and turned around to briefly retrace my steps before heading South back towards the neighborhoods around my home. I spent time running through a few "new" streets that I had never experienced before. However I was only a few blocks away from familiar territory at all times so I never felt the fear of getting lost. After completing the bottom portion of the loop I again turned North and ran back up into the heart of the city. After a couple more miles I made a single quick lap around one of the local parks, headed back to the city's main street, and was then back on the track of my familiar everyday route. I finished strong and was so happy with my results! I kept a good pace throughout the majority of the run and there was hardly a moment where I felt like I was breathing too hard, felt extremely winded, or ached to stop. Of course I spent a good portion walking - but I definitely kept the pace moving.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend.

It is times like these when I have to stop and remind myself to look around - and feel truly humbled and blessed for all that I have been given. Life is so absolutely wonderful - if only we take the time to appreciate it's beauty.

[133 : 10 : 18.75 : 18.75 : 18.75]

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