25 August 2011

Changing the Game

In the beginning ... before there was running ...
There was golf (at least in this girl's life!)

And so I am back to my first love. This week I joined a country club and have thus found myself spending my evenings post-work hitting the driving range.
I played golf competitevly for years and I am so excited to be getting back to a sport that brings me so much joy! My skills are certainly a little bit rusty
(I counted back and the last time I played was November 2010 when I was traveling in California. And I wasn't even using my own set of clubs!) But being on the links brings back so many emotions and memories for me - I knew I couldn't stay away for too long! Very happy with the decision I made!

my other pair of Nikes

While I have literally changed up my game - I am also recognizing the fact that I need to change my game regarding training for all of these (quickly approaching!) Fall races. Attempting (and failing miserably) to return to the gym / take my bum outside and log some miles each morning ... but my bed begs me not to abandon it so early everyday. Gearing up for a fun weekend of celebrating my Brother's 21st birthday and planning a long run in there (barring no hangovers ... scratch that - just need remind myself about rule #76 : see below)

In other game-changing news there has been one minor / major change to my Fall racing calendar. Sadly I am no longer going to be participating in the Great Prostate Cancer Challenge 5K Walk in Cincinnati with my family. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts my parents and CJ will be unable to attend. I was extremely disappointed when I first heard the news, but my motto in life is
"Deal with it or Get over it." So I dealt with it: I talked with the race organizer and had my entry fee refunded. I am re-registering for the event when it comes to Columbus a few weeks later! I am still doing what I love - running - to show support for those that I love. It's the best of both worlds! And while I really wish my family could be there to share in the spirit of the event I know that they will be there in my heart and certainly on my mind.

And as an added plus I am going to RUN the 5K instead of walking !!!

Half marathon in 10 days. Holy cow. Reality check.

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