14 August 2011

Strength & Weakness

This week I logged zero miles. None. Nothing. No progress. And there is really no excuse. The weather was gorgeous. Work was not super super crazy.
(Only slightly crazy.) I didn't have a thousand prior engagements holding me back.
I was just uncommitted and could not find the motivation to get moving.
This got me thinking about things and about myself ...

We all have them: things that makes us strong and things that makes us weak. Things that build us up and things that break us down. The first step to conquering your faults is admitting that there is a problem. Sometimes you have to let yourself be weak in order to become stronger.

So here we go ... my strengths and my weaknesses

introverted-ness : pizza, french fries, wine, chocolate : non-confrontational : moments of self-doubt : easily bored : fear of butterflies : pride : cute guys : shopping a sale : rationalization : poor spelling skills : judgmental : animals (especially dogs) : over-analyzation : lack of motivation

dedicated : strong listener : smart : self-assured : patient : peaceful : my experiences : being rational : detail-oriented : pride : open-minded : no regrets : independent : organized : family + friends : hard-working : leadership skills

Writing these lists was actually harder to do than I had anticipated. Because as I began to think about each thing it became apparent that I could spin the trait either way. All of the qualities could easily be moved from one list to the other depending upon how you look at the situation and the context into which it is taken. There are some things that I placed on both lists. For example sometimes my pride drives me past the point when I know I should stop - it pushes me to do something for the sake of being noticed or not having to admit defeat. On the other hand I take pride in what I do - I am humble without being too modest. And take the idea of being rational. I like to think I am a solid voice of reason when it comes to making decisions. But this also gives me the weakness to rationalize any topic either way despite the truth behind the matter.

I think that in order to be a successful runner - a successful athlete - a successful human being - you must be able to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. These traits make up who I am as an individual and it is their unique combination that makes the person I am today. When we acknowledge who we are - all that we are - we are able to play to our strengths and work to improve upon our weaknesses.

I am going to start small by working in the short term. My goal for the upcoming week is to find strength each day and work towards accomplishing a goal - particularly working to achieve something that I find challenging to one of my personal weaknesses. It will be hard but the challenge is worth the reward.

Even on my weakest days - I get a little bit stronger.
Here's to becoming a stronger person.

And Happy Birthday to Sam - one of my very best friends, amazing sorority sister, and fabulous running buddy. Can't wait to visit you in November and conquer the Savannah Full together! Love you girl!

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